Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm From Minnesota – And I Like Iowa!

When I was growing up there were lots of Iowa jokes, maybe because Iowans really are nice, nicer than Minnesota-nice, real-nice.

After the snow came rain, rain and more rain. So I stayed planted where I was, hoping I wouldn't grow roots. Wrong worry. There has been 2-4 campers here and 10-20 cars of morel hunters. I hear them yelling to each other, notice them searching through the woods, hear them laughingly gloat over a find and have even talked to a few of them. Morels are sprouting after the rains and they will bring $20/lb to the successful hunter/gatherer. There have been so many of 'them' I don't understand how there can be any morels left to successfully propagate for next year. On the other hand, if I had a steak, I'd be out looking too.

When the rains quit and the sun was more than a cruel joke, I headed to Pella, Iowa. Pella has more than windows, as a matter of fact, I never drove past a window factory so I can't say for certain its even here. Fortunately I also missed the weekend tulip festival. Instead, I went on a Tuesday and there were so many doddering old people around I thought it was one of those 'senior' discount days. The clerk I asked told me to celebrate being young – that oldsters were left-over from the festival. So I looked at tulips ( they were quite pretty), took pictures of tulips and, took pictures of people taking pictures of tulips. I even visited the town's real windmill – different from the small one in the town-square visitor center a block away - where I bought flour ground there. The sack of flour I picked up was damp and when I asked, the clerk/volunteer/dedicated-mill-person told me they keep it in a freezer. Maybe next batch they will take out the previous night so the sacks can dry.

One the way back to my campground I drove through another town. Being who I am, I went looking for tulips in that town too. All I found was one small bed and it set me to wondering, are there Pella vigilantes who dig up surrounding towns' tulips?, a back-room mayors' agreement? or maybe all tulip lovers have moved into Pella? Alas, its more interesting to speculate than to know.

Rain is back however warm temperatures have stayed so today I put away my cold weather sleeping bag and made up the bed with real sheets and blankets. To further celebrate, I drove a few miles south to the town of Knoxville, IA, to sample beer at Peace Tree Brewery. When I first arrived it was the supper hour and no one else was in their bar. I don't mind having the chance to talk beer so it was fine with me. One of the owners served me a flight of their eight current beers. While he was labeling and laying them out, a couple of parents plus children dropped in. They each had children in baseball; young game over and a break before the older kids played. Parents got beers, kids got freshly brewed root beers. Being an A&W fan I almost tried the root beer too. Next stop I will. Note to beer drinkers in the Twin Cities, Peace Tree is on tap as several city locations. Their Blonde Fatale is worth trying and the Imperial Stout is, I think, as smooth as Guinness. Even though the beer is sweeter than I generally prefer, it is so good, I did leave with a 6-pack.

Now its off to bed for tomorrow beckons and Wild Cat Den State Park near Davenport  is next camp of call.

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