Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I  took a hike a couple of days ago,

this is what I saw out my window

Leaving early in the morning,

 I headed to the Little Missouri River, the
low spot in the background.

There were lots of these little flowers tucked into the shade of most of the juniper.

Tough grasses, trees and erosion mix together in an orderly jumble.

Harder rock slows and changes the erosion

though only for a while.

 There's a subtle mix of color I find very attractive.
 There is even enough water for cattails in a few places.
Government leases out parts for grazing.
 Finally!  The Little Missouri River.
 I let the snake win, carefully walking waay far around.  It's reared head in the upper left quarter is hard to see. I didn't
try very hard for a 'best' shot.
 After coming down an eroded trail I needed a water break.
This is the trail, marked easy on my map.

Camp is still  one mile away.
Home sweet home.

And there were ticks.  I removed 200+ before I lost count. Now a couple of days later there is still a stray or two hiding in Scout.

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