Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sad news

Scout has been having hinge problems. She been creaking and groaning when I put one side up nearly as badly as my hinges do some days. Then one day that ol' hinge didn't line up right at all. I called scout's clinic and was told to bring her in right away. The person I talked to said he had never fixed that kind of problem before however he knew he could fix her up . I trust him, he's done good by scout in the past so I brought her in, after a partial enema. Mother's garage is now littered with the flotsam & jetsam of a chunk of my life.

Sympathy cards are pointless since scout can't read and without her I'm homeless. For now I'm mooching off mother. If the sky ever dries up I'll work off my room and board doing some much needed house repair.
Or I may try mooching off friends – you know who you are and have been warned! For those of you impervious to mooching, I plan on visiting with you regardless.

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