Bad news was Minnesota had more snow during December than it had for the last 40 years. Good news is I like snow. Yup, I shovel it, watch it fall and play in it.
Over Christmas break, when I visited my daughter and her family, we went cross-country skiing. It’s been years since I’ve gone and the kids never had. There was the usual getting skis and kids locked together, lost mittens and debates about trails. Ski bindings have changed since the last time I went out and I too needed some help figuring out to fasten ski and shoe together. Fortunately it was warm enough no one became too cold waiting, or working without mittens. The kids picked up how to ski really fast. It was so much fun some of us went out again the next day.
It was so much fun, I visited my storage locker to dig out my snow shoes. There is no similarity between snow shoeing and cross-country skiing, except the snow of course. Still, I have one and not the other so the remainder of my time in Minnesota will include regular bouts of snow stomping. Woo-hoo winter!